Add Blue Coloured WAM4 In Indian train simulator | Android

So guys, I 've been giving you many mods since 2 weeks & I hope you have played them all as well. Today I will be giving you blue WAM4 for Android game Indian train simulator developed by Highbrow interactive. So I know that many people don't play this engine & I think it is very underrated, therefore I've made this mod to develop tge interest of atleast some users towards this loco.

Mod information:-
Size:- 6MB
Platform:- Android
Source:- Mediafire
Requires:- Unlocked WAM4
Password:- Compressed By Evitand

Steps to install:-
  • Download the file from below given button
  • Extract it through password given above in zarchiver
  • Move the obtained file to Internal Memory/Android/Data/Com.HigbrowInteractive.IndianTrainSim/Flies/Assets/Engineinfo
  • Close the ITS(Indian Train Simulator) from recent tabs and wohoo! You're done, now you can play your modpack by choosing WAM4 as Loco in custom mode.
This is how it looks,

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1 comment:

  1. After installing the loco assets the game is not starting . Please fix the loco assets.
